Project “KISS Entrepreneur” partners - University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, University of South Bohemia, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Targovishte, ThinkCamp, ZAVOD BOB and PROFAT created 12 methods for developing your entrepreneurship skills.
You can browse through freely, save them in your computer, send feedback for experts. Remember that tools alone has not influence. It is your task to adapt them to your objectives, context and target group, but most importantly to YOUR OWN SKILLS to turn them into something powerful... The Project “KISS Entrepreneur” initiators want to be a learning community for trainers and youth workers in order to share, debate and increase the quality of educational methods in their daily work.

On 7-13 July, 2013 My tutor was participating as a facilitators in "KISS Entrepreneur" training organised by NGO Profat (Lithuania). My tutor gave a presentation and held a workshop on Social entrepreneurship to 30 youth workers from 6 different countries.
Together with participants of the training My tutor discovered what is Social entrepreneurship, how it differs from traditional entrepreneurship and how this method can help young people to start implementing their dreams and ideas.
Dear all,
we are glad to present you a PROMO video from our Social Entrepreneurship training course
"A creACTive Approach for a Better World", implemented in Moldova, on 15-22 October, 2012.
Social Entrepreneurship - it is not only about reward, money or instant success. It is greater than this!
It is the power of idea and motivation! Sometimes only a week is enough to understand it!
P.S. So, what have YOU done last week? :)
<<Press on the logo and watch VIDEO>>

My tutor continues to provide our readers and partners with relevant information on Social Entrepreneurship. This time we would like to share with you information and publications of Schwab Foundation. We found the publications of this foundation very useful tool for social entrepreneurs developing their projects, searching for funding, managing their organizations.
Please use these links to access publications of Schwab Foundation here:
Any entrepreneurship researches and pools show the same outcome – in order to sell your product or service you should be liked by the customers. If they like your company and your product – your business will be successful. Seems to be a hard task to gain both of this? Not at all! Social entrepreneurship is probably the ultimate tool to gain customer support for your company and your product.
In theory, Social Entrepreneurship is a use of entrepreneurial principles to organize, create and manage a venture to achieve a desired social change. While a business entrepreneur typically measures performance in profit and return, a Social Entrepreneur is also measuring positive returns to society. It is crucial to focus on the word also in the latter sentence, because Social Entrepreneurship is made to give profit. Profit and even more! Also, Social Entrepreneurs are commonly associated with the voluntary and not-for-profit sectors, but this doesn’t mean that it precludes from making profit, it does pay salaries for its employees, taxes to government and municipality, invests into equipment and machinery, etc.
Why should you be social while running your business?
Dorin Chirtoacă - General Mayor of Chisinau, Moldova - sends warm welcome to the participants of international training course on social entrepreneurship "A CreACTive Approach for a Better World"!!!
The Training Course “A CreACTive Approach for a Better World" aims to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems using entrepreneurial skills and youth voice.
Already tommorrow, 15 October, an international team of over 30 participants from Lithuania, Moldova, Armenia, Poland, Spain, Belarus, Georgia, Italy, Ukraine and Turkey will meet for 8 productive days in order to explore the ways of building a better world in a healthier environment and diminishing poverty. In spite of using traditional and outdated practices, participants will be employing creative youth initiatives and promoting social entrepreneurship.
Stay tuned!:)
